Thursday, August 26, 2010


INDIA : A slang and distorted word injected by GREEKS and even now, the geneticaly complacent Inhabitants are licking it with Great Pleasure.
ADI -VASI-S ( Now under maoist Influence) : Are the REAL OWNERS of the Land . We all , Aryans and other Hybrids are Historical 'INVADERS' ony'
HINDUSTAN : Another misnomer or distoted Name like ' India . HINDU is aso a Slang , distoted name, originating from 'SINDHU '. Because the Persian RULEERS/Invaders could not pronounce 'SINDHU' and named the conquered Land of SINDHU CIVILISATION as 'HINDUSTAN '( IN Place of SINDHUSTAN), the word HINDU stuck on our fate as HINDUSTAN, the word that has been the Cause of all Communal sorrows of BHARAT.
BHARAT : The real Name of INDIA. Being under FOREGN RUE we had to accept the name under compulsion . Since 1947 , we have accepted it as a BAD habit, complacency and slave -instinct. It was the moral duty of the FIRST SET OF LEADERS ( Post-Independence)to correct it.
BOLLY _WOOD : Is a post -1947 proof of Colonial habit and Copy-cat Spirit and now,nshifting towards Copy -catting the Surface ID marks on American Skin.
GANDHI"s INDIA : Does not Exist any more . and, (result of Free-Lunch Independece) is now erupting as CORRUPTIONS every where, Black Money, SWISS Bank -Hoarding , Mafia spirits to dominate over peace loving POPULAYION of Bharat.

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