Sunday, August 28, 2011


1. A Bengali schcolar rooted stricty to his own Culture got up on a Rickshaw and told - " Vishwa -Vidyalaey Chalo'. The man did not move but looked on askant. The gentleman again told him -''chalo Bishwa Bidyalayey".... The Rikswa puller suddenly aked - Kothai Jaaben University ? . Professor told - Ha (yes) . The rickshwa -wala challenged - 'Taa Sozaa Bolben -to University . Eng-raz-itey bolley bujhi ki-korey?The Scholar's Jaw drooped - non -plus-ed!
2. the king declared - if anyone can convince him that 2+2 equals 4, he will give him half King-dom .The queen furiously shouted -" Are you Mad or fool ? Even a school-boy will make you convinced . You will lose haf of your kingdom .
The king smiled and replied; - Queen, if I am dermined not to be convinced, -who can convince me ?
Now the Queen was convinced.
Two thieves were on the mission of stealing at mid night. at the end of a dark lane they found a rich-man's house dark and half open .
One suggested -'Let us get in'. ...The other refused and replied -'Have you lost self-respect! Why should we enter when there is no lock to break ?
( two as i heard ; one my own idea ; guess which ones?)

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