Saturday, July 24, 2010


A recent species of Social , Human Hybrid germinating and proliferating in West Bengal.They are Professionals , mostly , in the field of Painting,writers and audio-Visual shows, and of the Media or film world .
They are more affiliated to certain Political Organisations for Public notice or reasons best known to themselves or political Analysts or commerce - experts. ______________________________________________________

STRIKES -BANDH -S ,ABA RODH -S : Suicidal Party-Device to make ordinary people suffer, to bring certain pattern of issues to Public or Media Notice. A visible , Percaptible and Painful means or spreading 'infection' ,mostly, in West Bengal ,India.
OPENING PARLIAMENT : Begining of Political Chess- Game for smart check-mating or blocking forward movement of Opponents . Some other times , like Cricket with leg-breaks , off-spin or Googly-s to embarass the opposing side and resulting in National Loss of Time and Progress.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


CORRUPTION : When a L.I.G - Civilian ( e.g Police man ) takes Rs 50/= from a vendor it is corruption but when a high Ranking Administrator or some minister receives in Lacs for helping some one in business, it is 'Regrettable' practice

Terrorism : In some cases , when some backward and poor tribal community resists the 'Illegal mining or Land Grabbing operation' by big Politicians , the reaction of resistance is , sometimes, named as 'supporter of Terrorism'.

PATIENCE : To keep quiet on any issue of Social Injustice.

HIGH -CASTE : Those , who exploited the lower rank of people since FEUDAL Days,

KIND- HEARTED : Those who give or donate or help with publicity and 'show'.

Monday, July 12, 2010


POLITICS : Professional OR INDIVIDUAL Success in the name of Patriotism or Social Services.

WASTE BENGAL : A broken ONE-THIRD OF Old BENGAL , since 1947 and now suffering from Malaria of In-fighting and Viral -Meningitis of Self - Destruction .

THE WORLD : ONE UNIFIED 'Space-time' within SINGULAR COSMOS but fragmented and divided by selfish and Ethnic Homo -Sapiens into many fragments that ,they call Nations. And where EARTH (minority ) is the dominant feature and WATER (Oceans) though Majority -( poverty) is the Concealed Fact.

BRAIN WASHING : The most influential technology of forwarding False and Sham ideas . - as 'True' and with GOVT Or 'God-Fathers' mammon- ideology and of course , with the help of MEDIA- Tech.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


PROGRESS : To win and advance in any 'Rat-race' , - some how or in any way even at the cost of others' suffering or Life.

Autobiographers : most of them are ' greatest liars' - Mark Twain 's words -not mine.

IS THERE A GOD ? Ans : There is ! - but where is your ' THERE ' ? And GOD has no Belly-Button.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


21st Century : Sick Time-Space of this World, like the sick modern man with Aids and sexy hobbies with obesity around the waist and starving loco motors, corrupt -mental state, deception, Deprivation-syndrome,Aggressive selfish-gene, Exploito -Phelia ,Equality-phobia, Poisonous habit of Global pollution, Sectarian -Ethnic- National Terrorism, Nuclear-arsenal- dream and cancerous ambition. and suicidal habits.

MEDIA -INFLUENCE : Mesmerising power of Electric and Electronic media with Make -up Models and Painted smiles and advertising magic power to mould the majority of the plastic mind to ultimate UN-reality in worth or material Value.

HERO : Robotic character for public performances with artificial out-flow , abundant in film stories.

HUMAN BEING : Latest edition of Homo- sapient with habits and character , -unfit for Survival .

Sunday, July 4, 2010


DEMOCRACY :After enjoying a banana , I should have my Democratic right to throw it on the road , even if someone steps on it and break some of his bones .
Prosperity : Acquire more wealth even by depriving or deceiving any one , even if they are your one if the Siblings.

Educated -- Collecting information like a Store-keeper without applying them in life to improving the Soul -quality .

Media ADS : To invest more to programme buyers mind ( Goebbels Law) at the cost of Quality or real value.
SWEET SMILES ; Available on Sales man or Ladies' lips or on Media Ads.
STEALING : A' Starving Stomach ' has God-given right to Steal or rob from the dishonest or Corrupt Rich. ( after Sri Aurobindo ).
REALITY : " One can smile and smile ..and be a villain " - Shakespeare .


STRIKES - 0r Bandhs ( in Bengali ) a political or collective Group - Device/weapon to force bottom or lower rank of middle class people of urban Society , to make them suffer and make daily wagers' life, - 'Hell' for pumping up political influence or gain on 'Mafia' influence. .
N.B : an effective instrument for Mass- harassment , in democratic set up e, India.

Politiks : A logo meaning a professional device of handling social events towards one's own interest and profit at the cost of the ' constituents' of the living units of society or Nation.

Waste Bengal : An imaginary Land-mass ,in Southern part of Asia ,where Film stars are the ideal heroes and majority of Metro Stations are named after them and also the popular candidates foe 'SERA BHANGALI-s'.

IDEALISTS : 'Fools' of Modern Nations , all over the World , where m ammonic -way of living is the real wisdom of life & living and style of practical thinking.