Saturday, July 10, 2010


21st Century : Sick Time-Space of this World, like the sick modern man with Aids and sexy hobbies with obesity around the waist and starving loco motors, corrupt -mental state, deception, Deprivation-syndrome,Aggressive selfish-gene, Exploito -Phelia ,Equality-phobia, Poisonous habit of Global pollution, Sectarian -Ethnic- National Terrorism, Nuclear-arsenal- dream and cancerous ambition. and suicidal habits.

MEDIA -INFLUENCE : Mesmerising power of Electric and Electronic media with Make -up Models and Painted smiles and advertising magic power to mould the majority of the plastic mind to ultimate UN-reality in worth or material Value.

HERO : Robotic character for public performances with artificial out-flow , abundant in film stories.

HUMAN BEING : Latest edition of Homo- sapient with habits and character , -unfit for Survival .

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