Saturday, July 24, 2010


A recent species of Social , Human Hybrid germinating and proliferating in West Bengal.They are Professionals , mostly , in the field of Painting,writers and audio-Visual shows, and of the Media or film world .
They are more affiliated to certain Political Organisations for Public notice or reasons best known to themselves or political Analysts or commerce - experts. ______________________________________________________

STRIKES -BANDH -S ,ABA RODH -S : Suicidal Party-Device to make ordinary people suffer, to bring certain pattern of issues to Public or Media Notice. A visible , Percaptible and Painful means or spreading 'infection' ,mostly, in West Bengal ,India.
OPENING PARLIAMENT : Begining of Political Chess- Game for smart check-mating or blocking forward movement of Opponents . Some other times , like Cricket with leg-breaks , off-spin or Googly-s to embarass the opposing side and resulting in National Loss of Time and Progress.

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