Sunday, July 4, 2010


DEMOCRACY :After enjoying a banana , I should have my Democratic right to throw it on the road , even if someone steps on it and break some of his bones .
Prosperity : Acquire more wealth even by depriving or deceiving any one , even if they are your one if the Siblings.

Educated -- Collecting information like a Store-keeper without applying them in life to improving the Soul -quality .

Media ADS : To invest more to programme buyers mind ( Goebbels Law) at the cost of Quality or real value.
SWEET SMILES ; Available on Sales man or Ladies' lips or on Media Ads.
STEALING : A' Starving Stomach ' has God-given right to Steal or rob from the dishonest or Corrupt Rich. ( after Sri Aurobindo ).
REALITY : " One can smile and smile ..and be a villain " - Shakespeare .

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